
The source and binary releases are available via the file release system. Moreover, a complete build called swinbox-bin is available that contains the compiled classes as well as all the dependencies including the CSSBox library.

SwingBox demo

The binary package contains a simple demo browser that may be launched using

java -jar swingbox-version-bin.jar


Stable releases are available as Maven artifacts. Just use the following dependency:


Git Repository

The code is hosted in a public repository on GitHub. You may obtain the most recent code using

git clone

The repository includes the latest improvements and bugfixes. Therefore, the repository version of SwingBox usually gives better results than the latest release. However, some of the improvements may not be fully tested.

Bug Reporting and Feedback

We will be glad to answer any questions or comments, preferably using our project forums. If you have found a bug, we will be grateful if you report it in our bug tracker.


SwingBox uses the CSSBox rendering engine for rendering the (X)HTML documents.

SwingBox has been developed and tested with Java 6.
